
i-SIGMA logo with border


The International Secure Information Governance & Management Association® (i-SIGMA®) is the trade association enforcing standards and ethical compliance for approximately 2,000 secure data destruction and records and information management service providers on six continents.

NAID AAA Certified logo with border

NAID AAA Certification

NAID® is the standards-setting body for the information destruction industry. NAID AAA Certification verifies the qualifications of certified information destruction providers through a comprehensive scheduled and unannounced audit program. This rigorous process supports the needs of organizations around the world by helping them meet numerous laws and regulations requiring the protection of confidential customer information.



The concept of IAITAM though started as far back as 1998 when a group of software and hardware asset managers began meeting to discuss the need for a centralized organization devoted to expanding and codifying information and knowledge within the IT Hardware & Software Asset Management fields.


Data Protection Association

The Data Protection Association has been formed to promote the growth, education and networking opportunities of those in the Data Protection Industry. The Data Protection Association (DPA) is a legal, 501 C-6 Tennessee Corporation, incorporated in 2011.



AIIM is the global community of information professionals. We provide the education, research and certification that information professionals need to manage and share information assets in an era of mobile, social, cloud and big data.



ARMA International is a not-for-profit professional association and the authority on managing records and information – paper and electronic. ARMA offers invaluable resources.



National Records Centers Inc. (NRC) provides off-site records management and storage services throughout North and Central America and Europe. Our offerings include Records Management, Document Storage, Digital Services, Document Destruction, Computer Media Rotation and Vaulting. At the forefront of our offerings is consistent customer service.



ALA was founded in 1971 to provide support to professionals involved in the management of law firms, corporate legal departments and government legal agencies.

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Mobile. Secure. Compliant.


